CSI Miami
Hey Y'all!!
Thanks for all your emails that came in last week. Hopefully you will be able to post your comments here on the Blog again. I appreciate your patience!
Well, as Ute so astutely discovered, my episode of CSI Miami is going to be airing on March 20th. I just went in to record some additional dialogue for my part yesterday - less than a week away from the air date! My hats off to these post production people who work against such an insane schedule. The show will not even be completed until 3/17 and it airs on 3/20. Amazing! Click here to see the CSI Miami Website.
I don't get in a lot of TV time as I spend all my free time online with y'all, but if I did, what shows would you suggest? What are your MUST-SEE-TV shows?
All Things Possible!
Thanks for all your emails that came in last week. Hopefully you will be able to post your comments here on the Blog again. I appreciate your patience!
Well, as Ute so astutely discovered, my episode of CSI Miami is going to be airing on March 20th. I just went in to record some additional dialogue for my part yesterday - less than a week away from the air date! My hats off to these post production people who work against such an insane schedule. The show will not even be completed until 3/17 and it airs on 3/20. Amazing! Click here to see the CSI Miami Website.
I don't get in a lot of TV time as I spend all my free time online with y'all, but if I did, what shows would you suggest? What are your MUST-SEE-TV shows?
All Things Possible!
At 10:29 AM, March 15, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Christopher - I'm glad your blog site is accepting comments again. I am so sorry about the loss of Dana Reeve. When I saw that she had passed on the news, I thought of you immediately and how you had had your picture taken with her. I hope the Reeve legacy lives on to see cures for the dibilitating diseases and afflictions that those two had to endure.
I await your TV program on the twentieth. Lucky for me that "Medium', is a rerun or I would be torn. I don't watch much TV, but at the top of my viewing list is CBS Sunday Morning. Just about anything that HBO brings is watchable, especially, "The Soprano's, Rome and Deadwood". Don't miss, "My Name is Earl". It's a stitch.
I'm bummed today as I just learned that Aerosmith has cancelled their concert that was to happen Friday night at the Bresslin. I had great seats too. At least I got to make up for it by ushering at the Children's concert today, featuring the Symphony Orchestra.
I'll se you Monday.
TTFN - Mimi
At 2:08 PM, March 15, 2006 ,
Christopher Showerman said...
I LOVE THIS GROUP OF PEOPLE!! Even a question like "What's your favorite TV show" turns into an uplifting experience. Thank You!
Thanks Babyphat (great name) for suggesting Cold Case. I haven't seen that one but have some friends involved on the fringes. It seems to be getting great ratings.
Hey Mimi!! I'm so glad you (and Lara) like "Earl". I think that show has a great theme not to mention on of my best pals(Chris Durand) stunt-doubles Earl (Jason Lee). BTW my little part on CSI Miami is quick(a scene or two) in the very beginning, so if you want to jump back over to Medium after that, go for it! ;-) Sorry about Aerosmith.
Hey Lara from Turkey!! Thanks for your wonderful comments and for watching 21/2 men. My buddy and movie son from George of the Jungle 2, Angus T. Jones, is the 1/2 on that show. A real comedian!
All Things Possible!
At 1:01 AM, March 16, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Good to see this forum up and running again! :)
Regarding the last topic and the passing of Dana: what an interesting view on the organs being related to different emotions; it truly makes sense! I took a Chakra (drawing) course last year and learned a bit about the different energy circles in the body being connected to seperate functions, emotions, even animals, symbols, flowers and colours! It really is worth looking into and fun to discover the logic in it.
@Babyphat: yes it is kinda strange to see all the high tech stuff popping up in the weirdest places, isn't it?! In fact, I thought I was being silly talking to my dogs all the time, but now I don't feel so silly anymore as I constantly run into people talking to themselves (or so it seems..) with their earplug and cellphone chatting away..On the other hand; if it wasn't for all this technology I certainly wouldn't be here today! I recently 'discovered' MSN and it's a cheap solution to chatting to friends on the other side of the globe. ATP!
We run a bit behind with all the US tv shows here in the Nethies, and I've never heard of 'Earl' before but I will keep a lookout for it. 'Grey's Anatomy' just started here but I never watched it so far. I liked 'Lost' a lot, the first season, and not just because there's a Hobbit in it! I try to enjoy 'Mc Leod's Daughter's' as much as I can but it aires at an unconvenient time..
Being a Kieren-fan (hi hi) I have to throw in 'One Tree Hill' of course (I'm sure Ute agrees with me on that) and in addition I'm hoping to see 'Wildfire' on Dutch telly soon.
I'll be sure to notify the entire Dutch population of your appearance on CSI, Chris, when the time comes! ;)
Elvish Greetz. Be Inspired!
At 10:28 AM, March 16, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Just a quick comment as I am between rehearsals myself (directing a production of "Disney's Beauty and the Beast") but I had to say that I try not to miss "Battlestar Galactica" - the new version of course - as it is not only science fiction but great human drama as well in my view!
Looking forward to seeing CSI on Monday - I'll have to tape it though to enjoy later.
At 8:10 PM, March 16, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Looking forward to CSI Monday night and doing my best to pass the word around! Hope to hear, Dave, about your Beauty and the Beast production sometime. No favorite TV shows to report, but enjoy hearing everyone else's.
At 6:07 AM, March 18, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Hm, I don't know about MUST-SEE, but like Dave I try not to miss an episode of the new "Battlestar Galactica". I was a bit sceptic because I am one of those who love the original show, but I found the new one surprisingly good, though a bit dark. The characters are good and the stories are interesting. We just began with the show here this year, you guys are way ahead of us.
Like Jaschenka so rightly pointed out, everything with Kieren naturally is a MUST for us, but luckily "One Tree Hill" and "Wildfire" are both great shows, so we love to watch.
I think I said before that I love all "CSI" incarnations and I also watch "24", which I think is a phantastic show if you can get past the violence. We just finished season 4 a week ago or so. Though I think it was a bit weaker than the last seasons I still enjoyed it.
Another great show to watch is Stargate SG-1. Can't quite believe it's been running for 10 years now - wow! I haven't seen enough of "Stargate Atlantis" so far to really recommend that, but the pilot was fun.
Have a good weekend, everyone.
At 10:02 AM, March 20, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Hey Everyone!! Great to hear from you all!
Sherbear, I really appreciate your endorsement for being Clark Kent. The new guy they got for the movie looks a lot like Christopher Reeve and I wish them the best with that project. I believe it's coming out in June.
Hey Jaschenka! Thanks for your kind words about Dana Reeve. Also, regarding Technology and Babyphat's coments, we're looking into the possibility of doing a live video forum on the website sometime in the next year (possibly) through a video phone technology called SKYPE - you can get videophone now on your computer at SKYPE.com.
Hey Lara - I love that your Turkish name, Ufuk, means Horizon. What a beautiful and hopeful connotation!!
DAVE!! So great to hear from you. I'm sure you haven't had much time to watch TV with all the Beauty/Beast work you've been doing but thanks for the "Battlestar Gallactica" suggestion. You got a thumbs up from UTE and I trust her opinion! How is the show going? How long is the run? Big audiences?
HEY KERRY!!! Great to her from you to. You can contact me through the CONTACTS link on this site. Those emails come directly to me.
Thanks Ute for the show suggestions. I love a good Kieren show like the next guy! And for Stargate Alliance, I'm glad to hear that was a good piolot. I auditioned for it a couple of years ago but never heard from them again. I don't know if I could act in zero gravity anyway.
Have a great week all and don't forget to watch my show tonight!
All Things Possible!
At 8:47 PM, March 20, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
CSI Super Nova Chris!
Hope to see you in more shows soon!
At 8:58 PM, March 20, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Caught CSI tonight - nice job!
Thanks for asking about Beauty and the Beast. We had a pretty good opening weekend and our second weekend should be better - unlike Broadway, we only run two weekends. The show is getting very good comments from our audiences and our music director overheard people talking about how good the show was while she was shopping for shoes today (she didn't know the people talking about the show). It's a joy to watch the audiences reactions each night - especially the kids. Apparently our "transformation" from Beast to Prince is very effective and a good cap to the show. I had a professional magician who designed the illusion for us.
Anyway, I could go on all night. In another week I move on to the next show - I will be playing Pilate in "Jesus Christ Superstar" for another group. It will be nice to just focus on my performance instead of worrying about everyone else's!
Take care.
At 5:45 AM, March 21, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
ALL RIGHT CHRIS!!! You were a very believable Pete. I am writing CBS to ask who the peeping tom was played by and to suggest that we see more of him in the future. I think you deserved more exposure (pardon the pun)than the short mention at the begining, but nobody asked me to help write the episode. I hope the CSI role gets you more work, as your acting skills are improving. Break a leg.
At 1:44 PM, March 22, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
I agree with Sherbear. It is a little creepy seeing you in the role of "Peeping Pete". Great job on convincing the audience that you were sneaky and had something to hide. Bravo! You were awesome.
At 11:40 AM, March 23, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Nisha said...
I agree with Sherbear. It is a little creepy seeing you in the role of "Peeping Pete". Great job on convincing the audience that you were sneaky and had something to hide. Bravo! You were awesome.
At 2:25 AM, March 24, 2006 ,
Christopher Showerman said...
Awwww Shucks!! Thank you all so much for your lovely comments and staying up late to watch the show. Thank you Lara, Ute, Jaschenka, Sherbear, Sue, babyphat, Dave, and Nisha! You guys are wonderful!
Dave! I'm so excited to hear that Beauty and the Beast is going great and you got some unsolicited compliments!
Stay tuned. New topic: Nutrition tools.
All Things Possible!
At 11:32 PM, March 24, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Thanks for your excitment concerning Beauty and the Beast. Tonight's show was just about as close to perfect as I could expect and we got a very long standing ovation from the audience at the end (we've had a couple others during the run of the show but not like this!).
Fortunately, after this show is done this weekend I am off to a conference in San Diego for a few days - hope the weather is good in southern CA - and I will be making a trip up to Disneyland after the conference. Should be a great break without having to lose all of the "magic" at one time.
Again - good to see you on CSI. I look forward to Nutrition Tools.
At 6:50 AM, March 25, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
I just saw this post from Tom, and before you change to your nutrition topic, I'd like to say that he said it in a nutshell - about your profound insight and uplifting website forum. Keep on keeping on! MBP
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