For those of you who have been following this blog, you know that I have been conditioning to prepare for a photo shoot for a fitness publication. Well it has been three weeks since I was asked to do that shoot. In that time, I have made some drastic changes in my physique that my body hasn't seen since filming George of the Jungle. But I haven't done it alone. I have had an amazing team of inspiring people around me to make that progress possible. My training partner, Matt Antrim, has met me in the gym and keeps me pushing when my body just wants to go back to sleep (I train at 5 am) but he's there making sure I show up and push myself! Kudos to Gregg Kappy who made it possible to monitor my fat loss. Also, thanks to Chad Landers of PUSH Private fitness for training and dieting tips throughout. And no acknowledgement of my fitness team would be complete without mentioning Mike Zumpano and Paul Klinger of Champion Nutrition for their constant insight and support. I am so lucky and grateful to have such a powerful and knowledgeable group of guys helping me out.
There is also my family, friends, and girlfriend who somehow tolerated my mood swings through some uncomfortable dieting. I don't know about you but I get cranky without my food! And finally, THANK YOU! I look forward to sharing my progress and knowing I'm being held accountable by all of you logging in and being a part of this journey. I can't wait to get some pictures from this shoot to share with you.
All Things are Possible when you have a great team. Who are you grateful for in your life who helps you make all things possible? Wanna shout out to them here? (Here is a good dry run for your Oscar speech!)
All Things Possible!
There is also my family, friends, and girlfriend who somehow tolerated my mood swings through some uncomfortable dieting. I don't know about you but I get cranky without my food! And finally, THANK YOU! I look forward to sharing my progress and knowing I'm being held accountable by all of you logging in and being a part of this journey. I can't wait to get some pictures from this shoot to share with you.
All Things are Possible when you have a great team. Who are you grateful for in your life who helps you make all things possible? Wanna shout out to them here? (Here is a good dry run for your Oscar speech!)
All Things Possible!
At 7:42 PM, April 05, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Hmmm - looks I'm first with a comment again...
Congratulations again Chris on being able to make such drastic changes in such a short amount of time - I knew about your dieting, of course, but had no idea that you were working out at 5 am. Heck, I wasn't even really aware that there was a 5 am!
My family and friends are the ones who make all things possible for me - especially my parents and my late grandparents who provided my moral and ethical upbringing - but so many support me on a daily basis it's hard to narrow down for one "speech." It might sound cliche, but I'm not sure I could get through the day without their guidance and influence.
My recent experience while directing "Beauty and the Beast" also allowed me to realize how fortunate I am to be surrounded by so many people that are willing to take my "vision," contribute to it, make it their own as well, and then create something memorable.
Of course, Chris, you've been an inspiration as well. For example, your recent conditioning experience has inspired me to get serious about fitness again (it's been too long since I was a regular in the gym - but I tend to go at 5 pm) and one can't ignore your positive attitude!
My recommendation is to make and maintain as many relationships in life as you can - each is important and can't be duplicated.
Looking forward to everyone else's thoughts.
At 4:48 AM, April 07, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Chris --
I, like Dave, and as I've mentioned before on this blog, continue to be amazed and grateful for the influences my parents, my husband's parents, my grandparents, my friends, and my children have had on my life. Being surrounded by people who believe in you, no matter what, truly makes you feel that all things are possible.
And being inspired on a regular basis by this web community is a beautiful thing! It's been fun tuning in and following your career with you. Many times your "all things possible" outlook jump-starts my day. And now, as Dave said, we're being inspired to think about our own health and fitness. I enjoy hearing from everyone who has joined you on the journey.
Hope your web family will continue to grow and prosper! -- Sue from Michigan
At 7:57 AM, April 07, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Hey Dave and Sue!
Thanks for the great comments! Dave, I loved what you had to say about relationships. Like Sue said, the people who inspire you to believe that you can achieve anything are the real gold in your life. Bravo on renewing your fitness efforts. That is a worthy endeavor that will pay off with dividens of confidence, energy, and power that you'll use in every other aspect of your life. BTW, 5 am told me to tell you HI and it misses you.
Hey Sue,I'm so glad you're inspired by this community that has gathered here at this site. I am too!! We have an awesome collection of thinkers and believers and optimists. I'm so grateful!
Have a great weekend all!!
All Things Possible!
At 9:13 PM, April 07, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Unfortunately, 5:00 am is going to have to miss me for a lot longer (LOL)!
I think that the strength to dream big is one of the most important strengths to have. After all, if all we had were small dreams only small things would get done. I can't remember who said it (an advertising firm founder is all I remember) but I believe that "if you reach for the stars, you never end up with a handful of mud."
At 12:02 AM, April 08, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Great posts everyone, I'll think this over and come up with something later ..I hope. *looks for fancy Oscar dress*
@ Dave: may I add to that: 'If you aim for the Moon and miss, you'll still be among the Stars!'
Happy dreaming everyone. Be Inspired!
At 8:42 PM, April 09, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Thanks Lara - and I think one of the reasons that live entertainment is still thriving in this age of video, DVD, tv, and film is because of the interaction between the audience and the performers (actors, musicians, comedians, etc). There really isn't anything else like it in the entertainment business. Each art form has it's own strengths and the audience/performer relationship may be the biggest strength that live theatre has.
Of course, movies and television are more than capable of evoking a reaction from their audience - it's just that the performers don't get to experience it first hand.
Speaking of emotions and going back to an earlier topic if I may - I just watched "Hotel Rowanda" and "Crash" in one evening. Both of these movies certainly got an emotional reaction from me - and interestingly enough they both deal with similar topics (racism) in completely different ways. I recommend seeing them both if you haven't already!
At 9:56 AM, April 10, 2006 ,
Christopher Showerman said...
...But seeing them both in the same evening? Now THAT'S a workout!
Hey Dave, Laura, and Jaschenka! I loved the dialogue here. One of my favorite things about the internet, per Dave's racisim movie weekend, is that we can communicate to individuals of every race, color, and creed from all over the planet instantly and get to interact strictly on the basis of our ideas. In type, we don't have to grapple with our biases or reactions to how one looks or speaks, we get to share our ideas and beliefs - where I believe our true essence is. In that atmosphere, racism is practically impossible. Who would have thought the internet would become a tool for world unification and healing? I love it!!
As for live theater, there is a real humanity there knowing that you are watching a real person have a real experience on stage at that moment breathing the same rarefied air. There is a courage that live performers must embody to be that open and vunerable in front of a live audience without trying to manipulate the outcome. I'm hoping to do some more live theater myself this year. It is an awesome forum to express and test your craft.
All Things Possible!
At 10:38 AM, April 10, 2006 ,
Fanefare by Shannon said...
Hello Friends,
Ther is so much love and joy on this site, I love checking it out! Chris, your diligent pursuit of physical excellence is an inspiration. Although I haven't met 5:00AM yet, I met his neighbor 5:30 as my friend Debbie and I began our new fitnes program together, this morning.
We are following ther guidelines set up by the BIGGEST LOSER show. We have the work out DVDs and are following the prescribed menu to the letter.
I make our lunches and put a note in Debbie's today that said "All Things Possible" and gave you credit, of course.
Thanks for making this site available toall Chris. You are truly an inspiration.
At 3:09 PM, April 10, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Actually watching both in one evening was the opposite of a workout - I just didn't seem to have the energy to do anything else (all the adrenaline from "Beauty" and my travels must have finally left my body). But I am back up and around today!
Shannon - so there is both a 5:00 am and a 5:30 am. Will wonders never cease??
At 9:49 AM, April 11, 2006 ,
Christopher Showerman said...
Hey Shannon!
AWESOME!! You are off and running - LITERALLY! For those of you who don't know, Shannon and her friend Debbie are fully immersing themselves in the diet and exercize program that accompanies "The Biggest Loser" TV show. Shannon left her friends and job and actually moved to be with her training partner for this process. Now that is one of the finest examples of dedication to a fitness program I know of!! Shannon, you have my total respect and praise. Thanks for checking in and please keep us posted on your progress! Also, please tell 5:30a that Dave is on his way...I got a feeling!
All Things Possible!!
At 7:34 PM, April 11, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Shannon - let me add my congratulations and well wishes for taking on your new fitness regimen with such gusto! I, who can't seem to even get out of bed a little earlier in the morning, bow to your dedication and hard work. Hurrah for you!! I know that all this effort will be worth it.
At 5:27 AM, April 12, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Dave -
That whole adrenaline thing you mentioned is real. I know after shooting George all I wanted to do was sleep for about a month. My entire system was totally fatigued. As much as we joke about getting up early, it is equally important to let the body repair. I find exercize to be a little model of life with it's ebb and flow. It was one of the first areas where I really felt that I had control over an aspect of my life and that power felt so good I didn't want to stop. Even still it is a great way to remember that we are all masters of our destinies and with our will power and determination hold the key for all things possible.
At 6:35 AM, April 12, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Enjoying the postings this week as I work to keep motivated on my walking exercise program. Doctor's orders! A daily dose of ATP helps a lot. Thanks Chris, and to all who write in!
At 4:41 AM, April 13, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
I completely agree with you on proper rest. I remember when I first started working out that I was frustrated with my progress - or rather - my lack thereof. I found out that I was actually overtraining. Once I started getting proper rest things went better. Of course my best gains/progress came during the time I was getting proper rest AND proper nutrition! Too many people keep thinking that there is some secret trick to getting into and/or staying in shape when in reality there are several key factors: exercise, rest, and nutrition and the dedication to follow through. I also agree that keeping fit is a great confidence booster - I know that when I feel good it is easier to take on the challenges that life presents us with.
Which is where "attitude" comes in and as Sue said a daily dose of ATP sure helps!
P.S. By the way, I couldn't help but notice the time of your last post, Chris - proof that you really are up and "at 'em" in what I would call the wee hours of the day!
At 5:50 PM, April 13, 2006 ,
Fanefare by Shannon said...
Dear Chris and Dave and all the Gang!
Thank you so much for your sweet comments and encouragement. Here's the update you requested, Chris... today is DAY 4 and my training partner Debbie and I are going strong!
The morning workouts are very callenging, but BOY--they do seem to be working, I'm feeling muscles I never knew about before! The plan has us working out 6 days a week and eating so many vegtables, I feel like I should just sleep in the produce section of Trader Joes.
Officially we weigh in once a week, but I cheated and weighed in this morning. I was STUNNED that I have lost 5 pounds over these past four days. Crazy. I know the initial weight loss is often substantial, still I was VERY pleasantly surprised. I'll let you know where we stand after our Monday morning, "offical" weigh-in.
Much love & good health to us all!
At 7:21 PM, April 13, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
I guess I get to be the first to congratulate you on your success!
I know that you are "stunned" now but I also know that the best is yet to come for you and I'll be you'll even get to the point soon were you will be craving those vegetables.
Keep up the good work - I can't wait to hear how your "official" weigh in goes.
At 4:45 AM, April 14, 2006 ,
Christopher Showerman said...
G'morning All!!
First Off, thank you TOM for checking in from FRANCE! You'll be happy to know that, even though I wore hair extensions in George, I am growing out my own hair now. or as you may say in France, it's a oui bit longer now - about to my shoulders. Thanks for your great comments.
I'm going to join everyone else in congratulating SHANNON in a remarkable and inspiring start to her program. AWESOME!! You inspire me! Keep up the great progress!!
Hope you all have a GOOD Friday and a GREAT weekend!
All Things Possible!
At 9:18 AM, April 14, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Great thanks for the welcoming Chris!
Shannon i wish you more succes for the nexte! and keep in mind thal food is one of the key for a bodyshape!
i know the problem, so much good things to eating here in france (i really love too much french bread! lol)
fortunatly it seems lots are not so calorics...
its hard to still an athletic and cute surfer like me! :-))
oh, Chris, i hope to see your new hair look soon!
good week and chris and all friendly people here ;-)
At 1:26 AM, April 15, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Hey all.
Sure looks like you got us all moving, Chris -including me (and that's saying a lot!) Way to go everyone, and big hurrah to you, Shannon. With a nickname like that you're sure to win! Extra tip for all of you who want to get some excersize: start doing agility classes with your dog! (I just took over my hubby's class and it sure is hard work)
Bonjour monsieur Tom, bienvenue on this blog! -hey, we are almost neighbours.
Chris, you're not working on a bit of a 'warrior-drawing' hairdo there, are you?! ;)
Have a wonderful Easter weekend everybody..and don't eat too many chocolate eggs (or stroopwafels, Chris)!
-XXX- Be Inspired!
At 2:18 PM, April 17, 2006 ,
Fanefare by Shannon said...
Dear Friends,
Wow Chris, the people who participate in your forum are AWESOME. Since so many of your friends offered me their good wishes and support (Dave, Chris, Lara, Tome, Jaschenka~ thank you!) I just wanted to let you know how my first week went following the On-Line program of the Biggest Loser.
My friend Debbie and I both did really well at our first offical "weigh-in". We were faithful to the menu and exercised as best we could! After just one week, Debbie lost 5.4 pounds this past week and I lost 7. Woohoo--three cheers for us!
Thank you all very much for your kindness and good will. Here's to healthy life choices for all of us.
Chris,when do you expect to have your next magazine cover hit the the news stands? I want to the first in line up here in San Francisco!
At 8:19 PM, April 17, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Thanks for letting us know the results of your first week - and once again I get to be the first to offer my congrats! Bravo on a job well done - you have taken the first steps on what I know will be a successful journey.
At 3:59 PM, April 18, 2006 ,
Christopher Showerman said...
I couldn't agree more! Go Shannon!! You Rock!! Keep up the great work and thank you so much for keeping us posted! Good luck to the rest of us all as well with whatever program each of us is working on. Giving up is not an option!!
All Things Possible!
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