Mid Year Resolution
Happy June everyone and thanks to all who pitched in a response to the last forum topic!
Do you remember waaaaaay back to January first - when you made a promise to yourself that you would achieve or experience something special this year? Maybe you didn't make an actual "New Year's Resolution", but you must have had hopes and expectations for the new year -right? Well as we go into the sixth month it's high time we take a look at those hopes and dreams.
First off, is the thing you wanted at the beginning of the year still important? If so, have you done anything about it lately? If not, how about today?? Our hopes and dreams are only valuable if they motivate ACTION NOW. Otherwise, they remain phantoms of our imaginary future that remind us of how unfulfilled we are today - in which case we'd be better off without any dreams at all. (Oooooh, harsh - I know!) Our lives tend to fill up with obligations and duties - which is a necessary part of life. But what can you do NOW for YOURSELF to further your own FULFILLMENT!?
All Things Possible!!
Happy June everyone and thanks to all who pitched in a response to the last forum topic!
Do you remember waaaaaay back to January first - when you made a promise to yourself that you would achieve or experience something special this year? Maybe you didn't make an actual "New Year's Resolution", but you must have had hopes and expectations for the new year -right? Well as we go into the sixth month it's high time we take a look at those hopes and dreams.
First off, is the thing you wanted at the beginning of the year still important? If so, have you done anything about it lately? If not, how about today?? Our hopes and dreams are only valuable if they motivate ACTION NOW. Otherwise, they remain phantoms of our imaginary future that remind us of how unfulfilled we are today - in which case we'd be better off without any dreams at all. (Oooooh, harsh - I know!) Our lives tend to fill up with obligations and duties - which is a necessary part of life. But what can you do NOW for YOURSELF to further your own FULFILLMENT!?
All Things Possible!!
At 10:44 PM, June 02, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Chris,
Happy June indeed - today's the first day of my vacation and the weather is said to be *finally* improving from the sub-arctic temperatures we've been having lately. :)
I am happy to say, yes, it's still important and I have made progress. My resolution was to be a little more selfish and although there have been little set-backs (it's hard to break your behaviour sometimes) I have made good progress and had some very pleasing moments because of having done the right thing for myself. Which is good motivation to stay on the right track.
I also remembered something I have been wanting to do for a long time, but forgot, which is to buy music from Mozart. When they showed "Amadeus" again recently I was reminded of that and found the complete works (170 cds!) at amazon for an unexpensive 90 Euros. I have had them for about three weeks now and have progressed to cd no. 9 and found that this music or this kind of music has been with me in soundtracks of films all my life, which is something I hadn't expected.
Other things are taking a bit longer than I had hoped, like my home studies, as I had less time than I expected, due to changes at work causing me to work longer hours. But the finish line is coming up and I will complete the course this month. Yeah!
I already have a new project coming up which is to brush up my Dutch. I have been wanting to do this since I met Jaschenka, but I figured it would be a good idea to finish the other course first. So, I am getting there, step by step.
Hope everyone else is making progress too.
All the best and have a great weekend.
At 1:57 PM, June 06, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Chris and everyone...
I like the idea of a mid-year June check-up (or a "check-in" with yourself on your intentions and aspirations for the year). In January the year seems to hold infinite potential for achieving your dreams, or at least biting off a good chunk of that elusive "chocolate:" -- to put a little Forrest Gumpism in the mix.
Can it really be that this year is half over? Or that this first decade in the new millennium is too? Thanks, Chris, for being there to needle us a little.
We all need someone to prick our balloon now and then. and get us back down to focusing on those things that would make a major improvement in our lives. For me, I was sure I'd make a huge dent in my efforts to practice a little more art of feng shui in my life and in my surroundings. Mid-year forecast: I've a long way to go...thanks for reminding me!
Best of luck to Ute, Lara, Tom and Tim...and the rest of Chris' web family. It's so great to get inspiration from all of you...
At 5:38 PM, June 06, 2006 ,
Christopher Showerman said...
GREAT COMMENTS!! Thanks y'all!
Ute, what a great aim to familiarize yourself with Mozart. He has a huge body of work that I have only heard a fraction of - and I studied that stuff for my degree in college!! So bravo to you. Perhaps Jaschenka will come over and teach you Dutch personally?! (hint hint Jaschenka!)
Lara - WOW!! Congratulations on the new job opportunity. Isn't it amazing what shows itself when you let go of expectations of how it should look! I know we are all hoping the best for you and that it turns into a fulfilling calling!
Tom, bravo on taking full responsibility for your feelings, life situation, and your exercise program. If you can't increase the time you spend working out, you can always increase the intensity! I'm impressed with all your efforts to get your friend a visa. Keep us posted!!
Tim, WELCOME!! Thank you so much for letting me know that my website came up under a "motivation & focus" search. That made my day!! I love how you define success as a self defined entity independent of the success happening around you. If our wins and losses were inversely contingent on the success of others, we'd be pretty miserable. I know, I use to have a bit of that competitive spirit myself. Let me know what you think of "The Inner Game of Tennis".
And finally Thank you Sue for the Forrest Gumption boost!! If we stay focused and driven YET don't get too attached to the outcome, amazing results can unfold that we could have never imagined. Being detached from the outcome doesn't mean you have to let go of your drive and perseverance. Choosing a goal or direction and going all out for it may not get you to your original goal, but the universe can find you easier for what you are really meant for if you are out doing SOMETHING. So, as Tim says, go out and fail big at something and chances are you'll find more success that what you were aiming for in the first place!!
All Things Possible!
At 3:25 AM, June 08, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Hey all!
Great motivations, goals and perspectives out here -as always!
Chris, let me assure you Ute will absolutely not need me as a Dutch teacher- she understands quite a bit of it already and her dictionary expands with each visit to me with various doggy commands- very useful! (But in case you do need me Ute; you know where to find me! Oh, and Mozart!? Brings back memories from my ballet classes!)
Tim, welcome aboard. Good to hear there's an agility trainer out there who actually believes agilty is not all about winning but also meant to have some fun. In case you're in the neighbourhood: my dogs are going through summer recess from doggyschool and are getting pretty bored!
Looking back at the past months I must say circumstances kinda made me go with the flow but I don't neccessarily see that as a bad thing. It sort of gave me the freedom to spend my time on various (so far neglected) projects and although I'm making good progress I can't say I'm actually getting anything done. However, I assume that in time I'll find myself finishing up lots of things at once..which will be good I suppose.
Other than that the main event of this year for me is my trip to China in august to visit my husband. Quite an adventure but I'm really excited about that. So that will pretty much fill my agenda.
Good luck with all that you are up to, folks! Be Inspired!
At 7:09 PM, June 08, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
It's great to read through this blog and learn of everyone's progress this year - thanks Chris for the reminder to check on the goals we set back in January. I agree with Sue that the year, decade, century, and millennium is just flying by!
I've made some progress in the past few months myself - things have never been better for me professionally, I've accomplished quite a lot theatrically (both acting and directing), have been hitting the gym regularly, and have even made progress on finally starting and finishing the script for a play that I have been working with on and off - mostly off - for the past five years. Add some trips and pleasant visits with both old and new friends and it all adds up to life being pretty good for me right now. Of course, I've been working on not seeing the negative side of everything and keeping a positive attitude - thanks to Chris and all of you here.
Take care everyone - I hope the next six months are as interesting as the last seem to have been!
At 8:08 PM, June 08, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Thanks, Dave, for the comment. I've been more aware of the passage of time lately, probably because I'd written a column for our little home town paper about the millennium a couple of years into it...and I fully intended to do another one half way through. Well, now it's past halfway and I'm thinking maybe I'd be better off not thinking about time at all. You can really get into a philosophical, metaphysical discussion about that! Well, at least I'm sure the person leading this blog would have "infinite" things to say about time and our perception of it. I have made some progress, but the way I see it, until I get past this work that needs done, I'll keep holding off what I really want. I am, however, making great progress on my walking program.
It's wonderful hearing how everyone who tunes in here is working on different areas of their lives. And I send best wishes of all things possible to all...Sue
At 7:46 PM, June 18, 2006 ,
Christopher Showerman said...
Thanks all for the great comments!! Babyphat - well I just write what I usually need to hear and that's how we get the next topic! We're all in this together!!
All Things Possible!!
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