Meet Dean Zimmer
Hey Y'All!!
Thanks so much for all your comments about my article from the last post. I really appreciate you checking it out. I'll make that article available on this site under the NEWS heading.
Now most of you know that I'm a total sucker for a great inspirational story. And some of you know that I love rock and roll and am a former rock star wannabe. So this video, sent to me by my famous rock drummer buddy Ralph, is all the things I love in one amazing video.
See? All Things REALLY ARE Possible!!!
Thanks so much for all your comments about my article from the last post. I really appreciate you checking it out. I'll make that article available on this site under the NEWS heading.
Now most of you know that I'm a total sucker for a great inspirational story. And some of you know that I love rock and roll and am a former rock star wannabe. So this video, sent to me by my famous rock drummer buddy Ralph, is all the things I love in one amazing video.
Meet Dean Zimmer:
See? All Things REALLY ARE Possible!!!
At 1:24 PM, September 30, 2013 ,
Anonymous said...
Ain't no vultures on this feller's shoulder, that's for sure!...L.B.
At 5:28 AM, October 12, 2013 ,
SusanGail said...
Checking in with best Autumn Wishes to everyone. A great story about Dean Zimmer. Hope to hear more sometime.Lane, be well with the all the animals at the zoo! Forum fans must all be in overwhelm with busy lives!
How to engage in everything we wish to,now that's a topic I need help with :)
ATP all... Sue
At 6:53 PM, October 17, 2013 ,
Dave W said...
Thanks for another inspirational story Chris. I think we all need to be reminded of what is possible when you don't think something is impossible!
Sue, busy, busy as always - but I'm with you though. Hoping that we hear from more Forum fans soon too!
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